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I'm A Killer

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I'm A Killer Empty I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:36 pm

"Of all magical creatures Pixies are the most dangerous..."

Not a lot of things go on in the town of West Allis, everything seems to be alright... until one night when a bunch of children went missing and nothing was left except for gold dust. Now the city has a nighttime curfew and a potrol is sent out into the night to try to catch these kidnappers. One day, two potrol officers were walking through the woods when they heard the soft sobs of a child. Their guns were out as they ran through to forest following the soft sobs. Coming upon a clearing a young boy was left bloody, broken, and bitten all over the place. It seemed as if some human like creature bit the child and broke every bone in his body. The headlines were the discovery of the little boy but what was the creature that attacked this boy? Is this linked to the missing children? Little do they know they are up against blood thirsty pixies, a very dangerous breed. They walk among the humans in disguise and they take innocent children to feed their blood lust. Now some pixies are falling in love with the humans... are they going to control their blood lust and protect their love or let the other pixies get them? Now pixies are at war with themselves and more people go missing. What happens next?
Ode to the Rules
-No one liners-
-God modding is a no no-
-Swearing is allowed-
-Keep everything PG 13 for the love of God-
-Only humans and pixies-
-No OOC fighting-
-Have fun!-

Human Bios::
Name: [Full name]
Age: [13-25]
Personality: [You have one put it here]
Apperance: [Anime only]
Crush/Love: [Indicate which]
Notes: [Anything extra?]

Pixies Bios::
Name: [Full name]
Age: [Anything really]
Human Disguise: [Anime only]
Pixie Apperance: [Anime only]
Crush/Love: [Indicate which]
Notes: [Anything extra?]


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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:38 pm

I'm A Killer 124542929856592038
Arivae Christine Fortune
Ari, Sunshine, and Bells.
Bright, Intelligent, Witty, Caring, Friendly, Talented, Addicting, Strong Will, Creative, and Understanding.
She plays the guitar and usually has a pocket knife on her.

Posts : 23
Join date : 2009-06-29
Age : 30
Location : Somewhere in Wisconsin

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Toxic Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:49 pm

Name: [Full name]kaylee lynn
Age: [Anything really]500
Personality:fun,bubbly, falls in love easily.
Human Disguise: [Anime only]I'm A Killer BlackLongRoses
Pixie Apperance: [Anime only]I'm A Killer Aquaanime
Crush/Love: [Indicate which] [not yet.]

Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-29
Age : 29
Location : California, nd thats all chu need tew know ^^

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  NinjaLadiesMan Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:59 pm

I'm A Killer Soracool
Name: Kuroku Gerard
Nickname: Kuro
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: White British
Personality: Poetic, Musical, Artistic.
Crush/Love: He loves Arivae
Notes: He can play any instrument that you can think of and is known as a born musical genius. However for no particular he prefers poetry.

Last edited by NinjaLadiesMan on Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
King Of Diamonds

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  PoisonFurry Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:04 pm

Human Bios:
Name: Mark Rivers
Nickname: Poison
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nationality: Carcasion White
Personality: Shy and nervus
Crush/Love: none
Notes: He is realy shy and questioning about his sexuality
I'm A Killer Anime_Emo_Boy_2_bigger


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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:32 pm

Liatris Eric Vladescu
Cunning, Polite, Womanizer, Addicting, and Intelligent.
Human Disguise:
I'm A Killer Beautifulanimeguy
Pixie Apperance:
I'm A Killer Demon9
He has terrible blood lust.

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Join date : 2009-06-29
Age : 30
Location : Somewhere in Wisconsin

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Larenthi Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:44 pm

Human Bios::

Name: Taylor Brooke
Nickname: Tay/ Brooke
Age: 17
Gender: F
Nationality: English
Personality: She's quietly intelligent, and though stubborn, is surprisingly easily influenced by others opinions. She is quiet when faced with those she deems superior, but frinedly with those equal and beneath hher. She is easily intimidated.
Apperance: I'm A Killer 1159718055_SadAnimeGirl
Crush/Love: None.. Yet.
Notes: Nope.

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Age : 30
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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:00 pm

Arivae stood in front of the store's counter, her right elbow rested on the smooth, cold counter, her face rested in her right hand. She looked up at the cealing and her left hand lightly pounded on the counter. "How long does it take to get a blood guitar?" she asked to no one. In the backgrounnd old '90s rock was being played, while a huge poster of Aerosmoth was frammed with signatures all over it. Arivae yawned and then blinked a few times, this building was so boring. They walls were a stark white, mocking it's boredom and the carpet was a dull, dirty gray. The only thing that added color was the warm colors of acustic guitars and sleek electric guitars. A man, perhaps 20 years old, pushed through a black curtain hidding the treasures of the back room. He was young a very cute with his light washed ripped up jeans and loose white shirt. His gray eyes glashed when he saw Arivae. "Sorry, I had to find a case...." he said sliding the black case towards Arivae. She smiled at him and then slowly unzipped the case. She opened the top and looked down upon her beautiful guitar. She picked it up and held it in her hands inspecting it slowly, her eyes slid up and down the neck and body of the guitar. She smiled softly, "Hello Baby..." she whispered and then plased the guitar gentle into the case. She looked up and dug out her warn leather wallet. "Good job Nathan, here," she hand him a hundred dollars and slung the guitar onto her back. She turned on the heel of her boot and then began to walk out. She waved, "See you later Nathan," and she walked out the door into the street. The wind pushed her long strands of chestnut brown hair around her face. Placing her hands in the pocket she walked down the sidewalk gliding almost as she whistled. She stood in front of the coffe shop, her favorite place to get the best tea. Arivae looked at her watch and then sighed. "You were supposed to meet me here Kuro," she said under her breath. She sat down on a bench and took out her guitar. She strummed each cord, perfectly in tune. She softly began to play, waiting for her friend to get by her side.

Liatris wipped his mouth with his left hand, blood streaked across palm. His eyes darted around the forest, and them he looked down at his victim. Blood was everywhere and the smell permiated the air. "Messy," he groaned and he quickly disposed of the body. He began to clean up the bloody scene as best as he could, lately Liatris had been careless and was almost discovered. He flipped his head to the right, his feathery black bangs swept out of his gorgeous blue eyes. His jaw tightened as he finished cleaning up the mess, and check for any gold sparkles. Nodding his head he swiftly moved through the forest and back out into the city. "Oh, what is this?" he said in a velvety voice, his ears had decteced the sound of a soothing guitar. He tuurned around slowly and noticed a lovely young lady strumming her guitar tenderly in front of a coffe shope. Her eyes were an intence deep brown, dancing in the sunlight. Her chestnut locks rested on her shoulders like a silky brown fountain, her skin was slightly tanned. He breathed in anda shiver went down his spine. She smelled like a warm summer day with a strong kint of lavender, that was his favorite scent. He began to walk towards her, a deep thurst filled his stomach, she was so... intreguing. It was as if she had her own gravitational pull, something Liatris couldn't resist.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  NinjaLadiesMan Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:13 pm

Kuroku walked out of his apartment with a guitar slung across his back. He was happy...truly happy. He skipped down the sidewalk in the pouring rain. He started dancing a little and started singing Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. He laughed and slide down a little bit of the side walk.

Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
That grow so incredibly high

Newpaper taxis appear on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
And you're gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Picture yourself on a train in a station
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
King Of Diamonds

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Larenthi Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:17 pm

Taylor opened the door of the coffee shop, a steaming hot chocolate in hand. She breahted deeply and thought of the kirfew. She had a god few hours before her mother started worrying. Or at least, had any reason to worry..

She glanced across at the girl playing guitar as she took a sip. It sounded good. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. She felt talkative today... She hand't had a really good oconversation in weeks. So, with an unusual air of confidence, she walked towards her.

"Hey... You're pretty good. Where'd you learn that?"

(( Sorry. Short post.))

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  PoisonFurry Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:22 pm

Mark walking to the corner of the street and throws hi back pack on the ground and sits down beside a sleeping bag. He put his hand in the sleeping bag getting out a bag of somme thing white and puts somme of the stuff in a cigerette and starts smoking it alone and cries a bit alone. Starts freezing not having a home he stay and goes in his old sleeping bag.


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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:27 pm

Arivae heard a young woman's voice and she looked up, "Thank you, and my mum taught me." Then she heard Kuro singing, her eyes danced with excitement. "Excuse me," she said and then turned on the bench facing Kuro. "OI! KURO!," her bright voice echoed towards his direction, "Forgot about you and I having some tea?" she continued to yell. She laughed lightly and the sound of innocent crystal bells could be hear ringing through the air. The sunlight cascaded down her face, making it glow. She felt a lump rise up into her throat, it always happened when Kuro was around. She breathed slowly and then closed her brown eyes. I have to calm down around him, she thought to herself and then she opened them again playing the guitar. "I'm waiiiting Kuro," she called out again and hummed a tun to herself. It was one of the many ways to sooth her racing heart.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Larenthi Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:34 pm

Taylor watched her, with one eyebrow raised, and looked in the direction she was smiling at. She smiled tentatively also, unsure what to do. She felt like an intruder now. She shifted her gaze to glare at the floor, loathe to leave for seeming rude, and loathe to say anything for seeming intrusive. She cursed mentally, and pushed a hand through her pale hair. Her fingers slipped through it easily, and it fell baack into place, rippling in the low breeze. She licked her lips, and looked up, a smile on her face.

She glanced uncertainly at the guitar-playing-girl, but her gaze was still caught elsewhere. This was stupid. Why did she always do stupid things... why?!

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  NinjaLadiesMan Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:35 pm

Kuroku smiled as he heard her calling and laughed. He yelled back, "Never I was just enjoying the wonderful rain we are having." He ran over to her. He did a confusing circle around her and hugged he from behinf and laughed. He put his head next to her ear and whispered into her ear a poem.

Simply beautiful is what you are
White clouds in a clear blue sky
The gentle breeze that ruffles the hair
A Dance in the rain to your favorite song
All of those things are simple it's true
But none compare to the simple beauty that is you
Your words, your laugh and the innocent smile on your face
Those are the thing that I love
And represent all I try to do
With these words I write
I guess its really all for you
King Of Diamonds

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Toxic Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:39 pm

Kaylee heard a girl playing the gutair. "wow what is that beautiful sound.." She turns and looks at the coffee shop "There!" she starts to run toward the girl. "Hey.. You play very beautifully." Kaylee new she wasn't suppose to be talking to humans.. She was suppose to be killing them.. But she wasn't in a killing mood and the music sounded really good.

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Location : California, nd thats all chu need tew know ^^

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Larenthi Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:41 pm

Taylor watched them with a raised eyebrow, feeling surprised at their obvious familiarity. Even with her closesT friends... she didn't really do hugs. It never really bothered her, but right then, watching them being so friendly, she felt a pang of jealousy. She had enver had that.. never would. Her fear of contact would hold her back. Whether it be friends, family, boys... anyone.

Nobody could get that close. She trusted no one enough to allow them in so far to her world....

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:03 pm

Arivae's heart began to beat to a uncountable rate. Oh I hope he doesn't feel that... or even hear it! she thought to herself and then she felt the color rise into her cheeks. "Kuro you write the most amazing poems ever," she tried to hide her terrible blushing. Then she looked up at Kaylee and smiled softly, "Oh hello and thank you. I'm glad you like it," she giggled, "My mum taught me." She looked towards Kuro, feeling the color drain a little bit in her still rosy cheeks. "So should we go inside?" she nodded towards the coffe shop, it was small but still it looked welcoming. She began to put away her guitar and her hand brushed against Kuro's. An electric feeling ran up her arm and right into her heart, making it beat harder. She blushed again and then quickly zipped up the case and slung the guitar onto her back, where is nestled saftly in the warm case. She placed her hands into her pocket, and looked down at the ground. "Stop blushing," she whispered to herself. She took on hand out of her pocket and tocked a strand of her hair behind her ear and it slowly slid from out behind her ear. She blew it back but it landed in her face again. Her face twisted into annoyance, it was a quite adorable look. "Stupid hair," she laughed lightly and then she took a bobby pin out of her pocket and pinned her bangs back. Arivae grinned brightly as her briliant eyes glowed.

Liatris stopped for a second and then looked at Kuro, he studied him for a moment and then sighed. "Oh a artist and an artist in love, how typical," he growled under his breath. His blue eyes scaned the scene and then he leaned up against the wall. No Liatris knew that he could easily just get that devine creature but that boy, he wanted tomake it fun. A devious grin slid across his too perfect lips, it was poisonous look that seemed to make anyone shiver in terror. He was going to have fun, "I want to see how strong this Kuro is." He chuckled darkly and walked into the tea shop, watching the two silently.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  NinjaLadiesMan Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:10 pm

Kuroku turns to the three people who had been listening to the music. "You guys come and eat or drink or both with us. The more the betterer or something like that." He laughed and smiled a dashing smile. He grabbed Kaylee's hand then grabbed Taylor's and pulled them inside. He looked at the man who was standing there and indicated that he should join them. As soon as they got to a booth he let them go. "Sorry for dragging you over here please don't have me arrested for rape or sexual harassment or both or something else. But seriously you should join us."
King Of Diamonds

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  PoisonFurry Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:16 pm

"finishes his smoke and shivers from the cold he got up and went to get a coffe. walked and sees people on the front grabs his gun and goes to the coffe shop and asked the guy for a free coffe before i shoot heaad of sir. the guy nervously gives him the coffe and Mark runs to his place and starts drinking it sits down on his sleeping bag and looks if the cops are comming or not.


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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Larenthi Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:20 pm

Her eyes widened in surprise as she was dragged through the door into the coffee sho she had just exited.

"Uhm.. thanks, I suppose, but.." She gestured to the drink in her hand.

Taylor stepped away. "I wouldn't want to intrude anyway.."

She cast her eyes out of the window longingly... and they fell on a handsome figure, leaning against a wall. His dark bangs contrasted brilliantly against his blue eyes. She could see that even from here.

But there wass something unquestionably... strange about him. Maybe it was in his stance, ro the way he was staring at the pair who knew each other. Maybe it was his hard, lustful expression... But there was something. He was dangerous.

She averted her eyes, and looked back at them.

"Actually, I've changed my mind." She sat down quickly, hoping she hadn't caughrt the strangers attention.

Just then, there was a gunshot, and she turned to see someone sit down, glancing around as if looking or the cops.

((Sorry, veery quick edit.))

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  iAlyse Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:39 pm

Arivae skipped behind Kuro and she wrapped her arms around Kuro, she giggled and then whispered in his ear, "Can you play a song for me on your guitar... please?" She stared deeply into his eyes adn gave him a puppy dog look. "Pwease?" she stared up at hime through her long eyelashes, giving him an innocent look. She grinned and then sat down at the table, placing her guitar behind the chair. She slightly began to dance in her chair, filled with excitement that so many people were here. Then a strange man with bright blue eyes, she felt the air turn cold around her and something dark crept across her body. She shivered silghtly and then looked towards Kuro, her eyes must have had a deep look of fear as they seemed to beg for him to sit next to her. When Kuro was around Arivae felt safe, not afraid of anything but this mna... he placed a dagger of fear into her soul that seemed to spread like a deadly poison. BANG!! the gun shot echoed through the streets. She jumped up and grabbed Kuro's hand. Her body was shaking, everyone knew she had a fear of guns since her father accidently shot himself in the foot during a show. She could see the blood and her face turned deathly pale. Isabella began to sway slowly, her grip became tighter on Kuro. "Kuro...." her breath became short and heavy.

Liatris slid into a seat next to Arivae, and while he took an intake of breath the scent of the young lady filled his nostrils and his jaw became tense. She was so tempting, if he could he would have grabbed Arivae and flung her onto the table, torchering her in the worst way a pixie could, and he was good at that too. His hands clentched into fists, Not now, the thought to himself. He looked towards Taylor, his icy eyes digging right into her sould, and he could tell that she was a fraid of him. He grinned towards her, not a friendly grin but a grin that could instantly say, keep your mouth shut. He looked away and then towards Arivae, the gun shot didn't bother him, after all he did use guns to take down the teenagers that thought they could win a fight against a pixie. He looked around the shop and noticed a guilty looking man, and he shook is head in disappointment. "If you are going to hide something don't make it obvious," he said under his breath.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  sexyemogirl2008 Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:22 pm

Name: Darcia Melline
Nickname: Darcy
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Personality: Loving and Sweet
Human Disguise: I'm A Killer Anime_girl
Pixie Apperance: I'm A Killer 1148298789_y_Pink_XXX
Crush/Love: None, she is too broken to love
Notes: She loves everyone and loves to help people, she is unable to hate.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  sexyemogirl2008 Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:33 pm

Darcy was standing in the street when she heard the gun shot. Gah another human shooting at a pixie. I wish pixies didnt have such a bad name, I am not a bad pixie but I am feared.... She walked in and saw a man and a woman in the room a pixie among them. "What exactly is going on in here? And why exactly do I smell blood?" she asked sighing. There was fear in the girls eyes and she felt bad that the girl feared her. She looked around taking in the scene, a guitar and the human boy just staring at her. He was a wonderful sight, but pixies werent aloud to be with humans, she found that out the hard way when her human lover was brutely killed by her brother....she hates being a pixie, tis a cursed life....

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  Toxic Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:48 pm

Kaylee was angry that she had been dragged away from the music. "Hey what was that for?! i was kinda enjoying that..." She yelled. "Join what?" she said with a confused look on her face.

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I'm A Killer Empty Re: I'm A Killer

Post  NinjaLadiesMan Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:51 am

Kuroku pointed at the offered seat. "A seat, a meal, good company, and a great time." He said listing things off with a infectious charming smile on his face. He loved himself he decided but in a good way. Meaning he had high self esteem. However, that also did not mean that he was not a little vain/ full of himself.
King Of Diamonds

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